A Few Baby Products You Can’t Live Without
I’ve picked these items based on a few things.
- They really do make your life easier in a multitude of ways and saved me on so many days I thought I was going to loose it.
- They look great, and don’t clutter your house. I’ve always gone for products that don’t scream “I have a baby!” And these look nice and (do a dare say) “cool” in your house.
- The design/technology behind them is on point.
ibaby Monitor
First and foremost, everyone needs a good baby monitor. I remember with my first, Savannah who is now three, I had absolutely no idea where to start. I’m pretty sure I just went to Buy Buy Baby and picked the most expensive one because I thought it would be the best. Wrong. It was hard to set up, constantly had to be plugged in, the imagery wasn’t good on the screen, and it would beep at me for no reason. Moral of the story-it was returned. A friend had told me about ibaby monitors and I would always see cute pictures she would post from her baby monitor while her kid was doing funny things in the crib. I was immediately like- I need to have this! So my ibaby journey began.
Let me tell you why literally no monitor compares: most importantly, it connects to your phone! Like…instead of carrying around a monitor to check on your baby, its connected through an app you can check your baby from ANYWHERE! I remember the first time we got a babysitter to go to dinner, I was so nervous, and being able to see my baby peacefully sound asleep from my phone was the biggest game changer. You can be across the country and see your little one. Its the absolute best. Another reason I love it is that you can take pictures from the monitor and actually move it around to see different angles from your phone. You can also talk into it so your baby can hear you! The particular one I have also manages temperature and humidity which is such a cool feature. I can’t say enough about this monitor!
The dockaTot.
I questioned this one at first because I felt like it was just a hyped up pillow, like whats the big deal? Well, I’ve come to tell you- it is a big deal. I didn’t have it for my first, but ended up getting one for Hunter and literally the first night I put him in it, he slept HOURS longer. I could finally get some normal sleep and felt like I just wanted to send the creator of the DockaTot a million hugs and kisses.
It keeps them feeling snug while being extremely safe and reducing SIDS. We also traveled with it when he was really young and instead of bringing a pack n play would just bring that with us and he would sleep anywhere! I think we used it religiously until he was about 6 months and I could tell he was ready to stretch out and was ready to have the whole crib to himself. But I do know some kids that sleep in it until they’re almost two. They have different sizes as they get bigger. For us, it was really just those first six months that it changed our nights and made an incredible difference!
The Mamaroo
One of my best friends named this the “baby rocket ship” when she first saw it because she had never seen something so cool for babies. The settings on this rocker are amazing and always helped to calm both of my babies down. They both always fell asleep in it too. My favorite part about this to be honest is how it looks. It takes up WAY less space than your typical rocker/swinger and does all the same stuff. It looks kind of trendy/modern and fun! My husband and I always joked we wanted one in our size.
Last but not least, a good baby carrier.
This one is tough because I feel like its really hard to pick just one. Let me tell you what I’ve tried so you know what I’m comparing. The ergo 360, Solly wrap, and the baby Bjorn. So, if I had to pick one, I would definitely pick the ergo 360.
Reasons behind this decision? First of all, I think it lasts the longest. You can carry a newborn with their newborn insert, all the way until they are literally too heavy to carry! With the 360, there are so many ways you can wear them. Front back, forward facing, or tucked into you. I still use it for hikes with my little man so I can carry him on my back. I love it and it doesn’t hurt my back at all! Sometimes its nice to have options, but like I said, if you have to pick one, the ergo 360 is, in my opinion, the way to go.
What are your favorites?
I know there are a million baby products out there and everyone of course always has their own opinion! From the little things to the big, there have been so many products that were game changers for me! What are some of your favorites?