All Natural Products For You And The Kids
So today, we are doing our own little spa day. And what better way to start the day than with a mani/pedi? I used to only paint Savy’s toes because I always worried about her putting her hands in her mouth and all of the toxic ingredients they use to make nail polish. (I know, its a little silly because with all the stuff toddlers are getting into, I’m sure there’s worse on her hands…but it just kind of freaked me out.) However, I just recently found this product that I absolutely love that has changed the nail painting game for me.
Piggy Paints is a completely natural, non toxic nail polish for kids so we can go about painting those little nails without me biting mine wondering what the heck is in that stuff. I really do feel better when I know I’m making an effort to use products that are better for my kids, the environment, etc, and love finding products that I love and can share with you guys!
Not to mention, I think I found my go-to gift set for all the birthday parties coming up. What little girl doesn’t want her own nail polish set! And stickers included? Okay, done. These are my favorite sets because, you can’t just buy one… a girls got to have options right? 🙂
And to top it off, they also make an adult line! SOPHi is completely natural, odorless, and fabulous. I love wearing it because Hunter is ALWAYS trying to eat my hand off, so chew away baby Hunter. Teething is no joke and eating my fingers and pulling out all my hair are his favorite things right now. The SOPHi polish literally stays on forever too; I’ve never used a nail polish that stays on like this! With pretty much every color in the rainbow to chose from, they’ve got you covered. I’m all about the nudes lately and they have the best muted colors. Here is a great set that includes some of my favorite colors and also the shine/seal and remover!
Next on the list- Face Masks
Knowing this is my last year in my twenties, my list of products for glowing skin and anti aging is growing by the minute. I don’t do face masks very often but I’ve found a couple that I like to do on occasion when I just feel like I need to brighten up the dull. And since these are all natural/organic products, its okay for Savy to play around and have fun with it too.
I would also invest in a good brush to apply. Not necessary but it is handy.
There is also this adorable set I found for kids (preferably 3+) that they can have fun with!
And now, we chill…is that possible with a toddler? We’ll find out. It might only last a minute but we can drink our latte and hot coco for her and just chat girl things. I love having a conversation with my 2.5 year old, and have to try SO HARD not to laugh the whole time because I know she’s being serious. But let me just say, she has quite an imagination and the things she talks about I really have no idea where they come from. She tells me who her best friends are (in order), who gets to live in her castle with her when she grows up, and her new favorite- warns me when the “Monsters are coming” but its okay because according to her they are nice monsters and they’re her friends. And that’s just the beginning!
So, all you moms, go have some fun with your littles and lets thank our lucky stars for the cute chubby cheeks and the silly conversations!
*Although I only feature products that I honestly use and love, I want to be completely transparent with my readers. Piggy Paints and SOPHi products were given to me for my honest review.* 🙂