Baby Summer’s Birth Story
The day before Baby Summer was born, we had all of the feels – it was crazy to drop the kids off at my parents and say bye and know the next time we see them we’ll be bringing home Summer! My face was so puffy because I couldn’t stop crying on the way there. Our last moments as a family of 4 and seriously could NOT stop crying. I couldn’t wait to see them love up on her and it was making me so emotional!
After we dropped the kids off, we ran home to get changed and grab everything and of course, Jason had time for a new invention! Instead of the GoPro, it’s called the GoLo. It’s a cell phone clipped to a hat, lol! He was ready!
We’d been at the hospital for about an hour and a half, as they were monitoring my contractions and baby. They had tried to break my water earlier and I was a big baby about it. So they said after that my contractions were stronger, it might be easier to try after about an hour or so. And a little while later I was having really strong contractions, and the epidural was about to happen! Jason is a nervous eater, so at this point he was just shoving food in his face! He can’t stop! At this point he had already been to the cafeteria for two meals and a fancy coffee – not even surprised! So happy he was able to be there with me for everything!
Our birth story with baby Summer. December 17, 2020.
Thursday morning, after having some consistent contractions at home, we went off to the hospital around 7:30am! I was about 3.5 cm dilated and 90% effaced!
They wanted to break my water to speed up my contractions but it hurt so bad she didn’t end up doing it. They said she would wait until I had more contractions and it would be easier. A couple hours went by and I was ready for my epidural! Also my water had ended up breaking on it’s own shortly after so that’s why my contractions got so much stronger! Thank goodness for that!
The funniest story of Baby Summer’s Birth Story came from ‘taming my pain’…So they give me the epidural.
And the anesthesiologist literally told me “don’t press this button, because I’m about to give you some anyway, so just wait ten minutes.” And all of a sudden Jason comes over and presses the button!! And then he tried to make it better by obstructing the entire epidural and then all the alarms started going off because the machine sensed the blockage. I was so freaked out, like if my epidural is messed up because of you, I will hurt you!! lol!
Things were moving along really fast, it was probably around noon at that point and then we had a pretty big scare. We didn’t really tell anyone about this part mostly because we didn’t want to scare anyone before we knew what was going on. It happened so fast we didn’t have time to tell anyone.
I had dilated super quickly and she shot down into position and her heart rate dropped immediately, by a lot and wasn’t coming back up. All of a sudden a lot of people started rushing into the room, moving me around trying to get the baby to move, calling the Dr. in, and basically prepping for an emergency to get her out. So when they started freaking out, we kind of did too because we were like ok, what’s going on here? I was so scared, so upset. This was NOT going to be a part of Baby Summer’s Birth Story!
They ended up giving me a shot to completely stop my labor so I would stop having contractions and get her back into a spot her heart rate would come up. We ended up finding out once she had come out that the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck twice!
So when she moved down, it was basically strangling her. Baby Summer is a little fighter! And that is why I am so happy to share Baby Summer’s Birth Story!
I can talk about this calmly now because everything did end up being okay, but I will say it was one of the scariest moments in my life not knowing if she was okay! Long story short, thank GOD that were able to get her heart rate back up and continue with delivery. I hope I don’t scare any of you with this story! Because it all ended up working out and she’s happy and healthy!!
Once they got her heart rate back up, I was able to continue with normal labor. Once I was 10 cm and ready to start pushing it was FAST! 4 pushes, less than 5 minutes total! She was ready to meet the world!
She had some bruising on her face because she came out so fast! We are just so thankful that everything turned around and we were able to have a great delivery! Jas got to help deliver her which was so cool!! And Jason wore his Go-Lo during my delivery and accidentally had the camera aimed at my 👇 pretty much the entire time.
After we got Summer home, (due to COVID) the nurse came to check on her as a follow up.
Unfortunately, her Bilirubin levels were so high, we had to head back to the hospital. We were all so worried and heartbroken. I was able to stay with her but Jas was unable to come this time. She ended up staying under the UV light, and after what seemed like forever (and with VERY little sleep), her tests came back normal and we were able to go home!
What a relief!
We are al home now and pretty much all four of us just stare at her all day long. She has perfected our family in the very best way and we are so grateful she is ours! Thank you for all praying and being a part of Baby Summer’s Birth Story!
And in case you are expecting: I shared all my hospital bag must haves here!