Marble Easter Eggs
Made her own marble, you ask? I’m talking making your own marble Easter eggs guys. In my opinion, there is no better way to decorate the eggs this year! I’m so excited for another year of Easter egg hunting and my little girl stalking any person in a bunny or chicken costume. Last year we went to an Easter egg hunt event where they let all the kids onto this big grassy park to find all the eggs. It was so cute, however Savannah could care less about the eggs. She just followed the Easter Bunny, hugged him about 8358765 times and photobombed everyones picture with him because she wouldn’t leave him a lone.
But back to what you are all here for…The marble Easter eggs! Here it goes, my tutorial on how to make the best looking marble easter eggs. Also, a fair warning, I haven’t died Easter eggs since I was a little kid. But, I’m pretty sure everyone needs to do these, whether you have kids or not. It can get a little messy, but the end result is so worth it.
What you need:
Room temp hardboiled eggs or White Realistic Chicken Eggs For Crafting And Decor 2 1/2 Inch – One Dozen
Rubber Gloves (trust me on this one)
Plastic Container
Your favorite nail Polish
Stirring Stick
Water (room temp)
Step 1
Fill container with 2 cups water, and add 3 drops of nail polish. I used one of my favorite neutral colors. Pour the nail polish drops VERY slow so that the paint floats on top of the water. Mix with stirring stick gently for marbled effect.
Step 2
Dip the egg in the water/nail polish combo and twirl around. At first I was like Wtf is this; this is totally not working. But then you just keep going with it and as you set them out to dry you realize they don’t look half bad 😉
Step 3
Dry the eggs on your foam and toothpicks as pictured below.
You can use one color nail polish or multiple in the same container depending on what look you’re going for. I did a few drops of polish per egg, but if you want more color, just add more polish. I love how these turned out and I’m so glad I got pictures since Savannah basically cracked and ruined them all a few minutes after they were done!
As always, thanks for stopping by and going on this crazy journey with me!